All clients seeking divorce, and anybody getting divorced, yearn for a quick and fairly painless divorce so they can move on with their lives immediately. One course which is often being utilized today is uncontested divorce, which can in many cases shorten the duration of the divorce case by several months, if not several years. If you are in a situation where you cannot agree on terms regarding your divorce or child custody or anything else involving your divorce case, your divorce lawyer will be able to get things settled quickly.
Along with divorce lawyers who work on uncontested divorces, there are others who have no choice but to use an uncontested divorce process in the divorce case. These types of divorce processes include alimony, child custody and spousal support. Alimony is paid by one spouse to the other party based on a particular arrangement which was made at the time of the marriage. Child custody is about the child custody issues and visitation rights of each parent. Spousal support is the obligation of the spouse paying the alimony, while the other spouse pays this type of financial support to the other person as well as, child custody and spousal support.
The NY divorce laws state that once a divorce has been filed, a certificate of divorce is provided to both spouses that includes all of the filings made in the divorce case. A divorce decree states the exact grounds for divorce as well as the amount of support that each spouse will receive from the other. Once a divorce has been finalized in the court, it remains in the public records for ten years unless it is ordered removed. When it is removed by order of the court, the documentation relating to the divorce becomes private.
Many couples decide to remain married after getting divorce lawyers. Although not required, many choose to remain married, citing the long-term benefit of being married. Some couples state they do not wish to remarry after divorce since remarriage can be expensive. For some individuals, remaining married allows them to retain their freedom in certain situations or social events.
When you are getting divorced in the city of New York, you must file a Complaint, Answer, Affirmative and Verdict. You must file this immediately after the divorce has been finalized in the court. In the Complaint, you will have to specify exactly what was wrong during the marriage and also list your reasons for divorce.
Next comes the Affirmative and the Verdict. The Affirmative states whether a party is making an attempt to reconcile or whether there is reason to believe the divorce process should be completed, said family law attorney in Aripeka, Florida. For instances where no marital assets are being distributed, the Affirmative must detail what items are to be surrendered to the other spouse. Last, but not least, the Verdict will be written stating whatever results will be desired from the divorce process. This includes aspects such as custody, alimony, child support and the division of marital assets. It will also outline what type of custody arrangement will be laid out based on the complaints and the assets involved.